Central Monitoring System

Central  Monitoring  System (CMS) provides clients more cost effective solution through remote access to the CCTV security system of your premises.

Regular CCTV and alarm System are in a closed-circuit system which mean that what happens inside your premies stays inside, no outsider will know what had happened inside your premises. The limits of regular security systems are reached when an attack is launched against the security system and an assistance from outside is needed.

CCTV systems that under Central Monitoring System are all strategically linked  to the Control Center through internet service either Unifi or Maxis 4G. A notification  signal will be sent from a CCTV system to the Control Center when a motion event is dectected by the CCTV system.  Operators at Control Center are trainned to respond immediatelay to received notification and  filter out all of the false events notification thus owner will not receive any false alert. If intruder is detected, operator will immediately trigger the siren that attached to the CCTV system to chase away the intruder and  to alert the owner. 

How it operate?